Sunday 12 October 2014

The Electric Car to Reduce Humanities Ecological Footprint

Human life and all of our human actives on this planet depend on nature. Humans have used nature since the dawn of time and have consumed nature’s resources at an alarming rate. The lack of regulations or guidelines for using Earth’s resources, renewable and non-renewable, has enabled society and humans to over consume. There is a growing global concern that our current way of life cannot be sustained based on the resources and technology that exist today.

One way for scientists to calculate human activity and its harm to nature is by use of an ecological footprint. The ecological footprint estimates humanity’s demand on the Earth’s ecosystem. Our current global ecological footprint estimates we use the equivalent of 1.5 planets to provide us with resources and to absorb our waste (GlobalFootPrintNetwork 2013). So for every one calendar year our Earth takes an extra six months to regenerate our usage and absorb our waste.  

Our current global ecological footprint is comprised of humanity’s needs and wants but in order to live within the Earth’s capacity we need to collectively reduce our impact on the environment. We need to re-evaluate what aspects of our lives are necessary in order to survive and which ones are luxuries.

Most recently, society has changed gear and is finding that electric cars may be the way to go. Major car companies have recently come out with affordable and reliable electric cars. Many are asking themselves if this could be the big change our environment needs to replenish itself. With society’s demand for products and services that reduce our Ecological Footprint, the demand for electric cars is on the rise. Time will have to tell if in fact the electric car will help diminish our Ecological Footprint. 

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog. I hope that together we can help diminish our Ecological Footprint. 


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